Lucas Weinber | Study of the Drell-Yan Process Associated with Multi Jet Production at the LHC | CMS | ULB |
Matthieu Duflot | Simulation Monte Carlo par le Programme Geant4 de Prototypes de Modules 2S du Trajectographe de l’Upgrade de l’Experience CMS du LHC | CMS | ULB |
Nordin Breugelmans | Probing the charm quark Yukawa coupling using machine learning algorithms | CMS | VUB |
Yarno Merckx | Modeling of neutrino production in starburst-driven (ultra)-luminous infrared galaxies | IceCube | VUB |
Max Lalleman | Probing a freeze-in dark matter model with gravitational waves | Pheno | VUB |
Ali Safa | Characterization of the new tracker sensors for the CMS experiment at CERN | CMS | ULB |
Zeb Van Ranst | Multi-Messenger studies of Gamma-Ray bursts | IceCube | VUB |
Kevin Turbang | The Strong CP Problem and Gravitational Waves | Pheno | VUB |
Olivier Dupon | Sensitivity to new physics in tt ̄ production at e+e− colliders at √s = 365 GeV (at KUL) | Future Experiments | VUB |
Yens Elskens | Background measurements for the MILLIQAN experiment | Future Experiments | VUB |