Annik Olbrechts | Measurement of the W helicities in top quark events with CMS | CMS | VUB |
Thierry Maerschalk | Étude d’un grand prototype de chambre à projection temporelle (TPC) et reconstruction de traces par filtre de Kalman | CMS | ULB |
Jan Kunnen | A search for dark matter from the Sun with the 59-string IceCube neutrino detector | IceCube | VUB |
Alexandre Léonard | Production diffractive de mésons ρ à Hera II | H1 | ULB |
Joris Maes | Estimation of the b-tag efficiency using top quarks at CMS | CMS | VUB |
Otman Charaf | Study of Drell-Yan production in the di-electron decay channel and search for new physics at the LHC | CMS | ULB |
Petra Van Mulders | Calibration of the jet energy scale using top quark events at the LHC | CMS | VUB |
Alfio Rizzo | Searh for neutralino dark matter with 6 years of data of the AMANDA-II neutrino telesope | IceCube | VUB |
Mateusz Wędrowski | Artificial neural network based position estimation in positron emission tomography | PET | VUB |
David Alaluf | Contribution à l'analyse des premières données de l'expérience CMS au LHC. | CMS | ULB |
Laurent Thomas | Contribution à l’étude de la production de paires électron-positron à haute masse invariante au LHC | CMS | ULB |
Dennis Diederix | Model Independent Search for Neutrinos from Gamma Ray Bursts with the IceCube Detector | IceCube | VUB |
Martin Casier | Étude des contraintes indirectes sur un candidat scalaire léger de matière noire | IceCube | ULB |
Robbe Vansintjan | Study of the sensitivity of the IceCube-40 neutrino detector for neutralino dark matter annihilations in the Sun | IceCube | VUB |