On July 2023 the JUNO collaboration meeting took place in Kaiping (China), close to the experiment site. The detector construction is progressing well. The supporting structure in stainless steel has been finalized and half of the central detector acrylic sphere that will be filled with the liquid scintillator is now in place. JUNO is a medium baseline reactor neutrino experiment with the main goal to measured the neutrino mass hierarchy, and some of the neutrino oscillation parameters with high precision (at the sub-percent level). The experiment will also detect neutrinos from other sources (solar neutrinos, atmospheric neutrinos, geo-neutrinos etc ...). The ULB JUNO group are responsible for the BEC (backend cards) electronics system. The group has made the original design of the BEC as well as organized the production, and the various tests. All the about 180 BEC electronics boxes have been installed in the underground cavern of the JUNO experiment, in the two electronics rooms. The ULB JUNO group is also participating to the preparation of the JUNO physics analysis. Physics data run is expected to start in early 2025 !