In view of a recent breakthrough in multimessenger astrophysics, led by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole, the American National Science Foundation (NSF) will organize a press conference at its headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, on Thursday July 12th 2018 at 11:00h a.m. EDT (17:00h Brussels time).
Since scientists of the Inter-university Institute for High Energies, IIHE(ULB-VUB), in Brussels are involved in this research, a presentation on IceCube and its research and a live streaming of the press conference will be organized at the university campus Etterbeek of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
We cordially invite you to attend the event at the VUB. Feel free to share this information with those who might be interested to join the event in Brussels.
Programme :
16:00h Introduction to IceCube and the research of cosmic high-energy neutrinos
by Professor Nick van Eijndhoven (VUB astroparticle physics programme leader)
17:00h Live stream of the NSF press conference
17:30h Q&A session moderated by Nick van Eijndhoven
The event will take place at VUB campus Etterbeek
Room D2.01 (aka "Promotiezaal")
(Building D, 2nd floor)
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel
Directions to the venue are available at the following link
The live stream of the NSF press conference is also available via the link