Congratulations to Daniela Mockler, a postdoctoral researcher at the IIHE that has been awarded the Belgian Physics Society young scientist contest. Mockler was awarded this prize for her work on the spectrum of cosmic rays using the Pierre Auger experiment.
The young scientist contest is a tradition at the annual BPS meeting.
PhD students as well as young postdoctoral researches with less than 5 .
years of professional experience after their PhD defense are allowed to
participate in the contest. In order to participate, one has to send in
a CV and an abstract of the talk. The committee then invited 8 speakers
to a pre-selection at the end of April and chose 3 finalists, which
presented their talk at the BPS meeting on the 22nd of May. The three
finalists will also write an article about the presented subject for the
journal of the Belgian Physical Society, but so far I have no further
information on when the articles will be published. Besides the speaker
contest, there is also a poster contest for PhD students only.